رادیس صنعت هوشمان آرتاویل

Quality, knowledge & Accuracy

In The Design Of Industrial Machinery

The First Manufacturer Of Shredders In Iran

Radis Sanat Hooshmand Artavil

رادیس صنعترادیس صنعترادیس صنعت
شردر مدل R2200شردر مدل R2200

Advantages Of Shredder Machine

High productivity with the ability to process up to 360000 tons of scrap iron per day

Separation of non-recyclable metals and non-metallic iron from fused metals

Accurate separation of scrap metal and product delivery in accordance with customer requirements

Careful control of output output in the shortest time and increased value added

Factory Address:

Karafarinan Ave. ,Talash Square, No. 2 Industrial City, Ardabil

Email: info@radissanat.ir

Working Hours:

Contact the agent to request a free visit or consultation about the products.

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All rights reserved by Radis Sanat Company.